Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Advertisement Analysis: Bad 1/15 [Family Network Foundation]

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  • At first glance, I would assume this to be an ad against abuse of the elderly (we should not chain them up as such?) but since the man looks happy, maybe it is an ad about how we should treat the elderly like pets?
  • The copywriting does not go with the design
  • The offensiveness of the man styled to look like a dog at the pet shop does not motivate you to care for your parents.


  • It's not a bad idea (I guess the point is that some people take care of their pets more than their parents?) but the execution must be improved.


This ad just sends too many mixed and unclear messages. If I had to pick one word to describe it, I would say that it is confusing. It doesn't have any major design flaws per se but when it comes to the message behind the design, it fails badly. That said, the message is an abstract one that is not simple to convey.

I would change the copywriting to instead pose a question to make people think or feel guilty. For example, "Who do you spend more time with?" I also think that a more light-hearted or comical approach to the design might suit this message better.

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