Monday, 21 April 2014

The Psychosis of the Ignorant

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psychosis, ignorant, stefan sagmeister, pins, blindfold, blind

We are all on a quest for knowledge. The Bible says in 18:15, “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge”. Every hour spent on education, every word searched on google brings us one step closer to our goal. However, despite it all, there will always be things that we do not know about. As humans, we have a limited capacity for  knowledge. We can’t know everything! 

On the other hand, though knowledge is sought after, sometimes we choose to reject it. John Lennon acknowledged that knowledge can be difficult to live with when he said: “living is easy with eyes closed”. Another oft heard quote reiterates: “ignorance is bliss”. So, which is better? To know or not to know, that is the question.

Consider this. Suppose one day, as I looked out of the window from my apartment on the thirteenth floor, I had this overwhelming urge to jump out of the window just because. That is stupidity, you would say. Yet, if I knew nothing about the law of gravity and had no idea of the consequences of such an action, wouldn’t I be safe from what I did not know? Of course not! Whether or not I’m aware of the law of gravity, the law still applies to me. Ignorance isn’t bliss because what we do not know will still hurt us.

I once was in a group of over a hundred youth when the question was asked: “How may of you keep in touch with what’s going on in the news?” Less than ten people raised their hands. There is so much going on in the world today that we cannot but be vigilant. Are you aware that human slavery is still rampant today? Are you aware that around 10% of Singaporeans live on $5 a day? Are you aware that almost all your online communications can be accessed by the government? Let’s not be deceived. Ignorance is not bliss — but knowledge is power.


Design Info:
The theme of this assignment was spiritual psychosis.
The design is made up of cloth and sewing pins.
Inspired by Stefan Sagmeister's work as seen here.
Software - Edited in Photoshop
Camera - Olympus E-PM1
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